We know that not everyone has 45 or 60 minutes during their day to workout. That's exactly why we created our 30-Minute Express Strength classes. These classes are all the power and none of the yoga as you move through a quick total-body warm up, and then right away jump into heart-pumping exercises that will have you feeling like you fit a 60-minute workout into 30 minutes. At the end, enjoy our signature cold towel. You're going to need it!
What You Need To Know
The Experience
What To Bring
Express Strength takes place in our heated room and is exactly what it sounds like - FAST. Don't let that deter you though. Your teacher has thoughtfully put together a workout that will get you just as sweaty as any 60-minute workout can. You'll begin class with a quick warm up and then move into a circuit, time intervals, or some other type of challenge. This class is GO-GO-GO until the final minute when you finally get to enjoy a cold towel and a short stretch. Feel free to stick around to foam roll or stretch more once class is over!
Though challenging, this class is beginner friendly. Your teacher will offer modifications throughout to make your time spent with us accessible for everyone.
You can expect your Power Sculpt classes to be anywhere from 92-100 degrees fahrenheit. The temperature and humidity will depend on the size of the class, time of year, time of the day, and your placement in the room (look up to see the infrared heating panels we use to heat our space).
Bring a yoga mat, water, and sweat towel. You don't have one or more of those items? No sweat! We have water available for purchase for $2, mats available for rent for $3, and sweat towels available for your complementary use during every visit. We can help you gather the items you need at the front desk!
To get the most out of your Express Strength experience, we recommend investing in resistance bands and a heart rate monitor for class. Both can be purchased at the front desk.
All other necessary props and equipment are provided by Rogue Awakening.